According to the UN Hunger Report, 611 million or 81.1 million people go to bed hungry every day in the world, which is about 9.9% of the total population of the world, about 16 million people, especially children are suffering from malnutrition. This study is a disgrace to mankind. Who will take the blame for this stigma? In today's consumerist society, people want to get more, they want to eat more. Two phones in one place, if there are clothes at 5 o'clock, it goes there at 30 o'clock, even if you don't eat fish and meat every day, there is more cooking in that place than necessary but there is no child next to it, maybe there are not enough clothes in winter. We don't really want to take anything for granted. We are slowly becoming very shameless. Isn't this competition sick? Where does it end?